Cat Health and Cat Care

Cat Health

As a cat lover, you would naturally want to know as much as you can about your kitty’s health! Your little bundle of fur can be practically considered as part of the family, so why wouldn’t you make sure that he is happy and healthy?

In this article we will look at a few starting points for your cats health.

Cat health is strongly affected by what kitty eats. Obesity is a major factor in heart disease particularly as your cat gets older. Choose a pet food for your cat that is right for it’s age but feed it regularly. If in doubt get your veternarians advice as your cat can have completely different nurtient needs to what you would expect!

Longhaired cats should be groomed regularly for optimum cat health. Use a pet brush and groom no less than once a week. This is a great way to bond with kitty!

The litter box can be a danger to both cat health and human health if it isn’t cleaned regularly. Change your pet’s litter no less than once every four days or more remembering to clear the tray of faces as since cats are very clean animals and can smell up to 10 times better than humans! Your kitty will just love you for it! Also be careful as some litter can be very dusty, which can irritate kitty’s asthma.

If choosing to declaw your kitty, this can be a major factor in Cat health. If you choose to declaw your pet it is important to remember to keep them inside at all times! Although I would never recommend to declaw kitty as this is taking away what makes him a cat! Also sometimes declawing can be very painfull for your cat and he may become resentful! If you are worried about your furniture, invest in a cat scratcher and rub some cat nip over it, you will be suprised! Another option is only to trim the claws with great care.

Stressful situations like moving, travelling, natural disasters or even changes in the family can affect cat health as cats are very sensitive creatures. To minimize the effects of stress on your pet, ask your vet or pet store what to recommend to slightly sedate kitty. Cat nip is always a good option, when cat eats this plant it acts as a sedative.

Part of managing cat health is making sure dangerous poisons like antifreeze are inaccessible to your pet just as you would with your own toddler. Some household plants are fatal to cats so make sure to raise your plants and lock your toxins! If you have an indoor kitty, invest in a few cat-friendly plants such as Cat nip, Cat grass, Honeysuckle etc with the bonus of giving kitty much needed nutrients and minerals not generally found in manufactured pet food!

Cat’s often have mouth diseases and this can impact cat health. Cat’s are just as prone to gingivitis as humans and cats can also develop. Take kitty to the vet at least once a year to have his teeth regulary checked and cleaned, even switching to a food that prevents tatar buildup is always a bonus.

As always one of the greatest factors in cat health is deciding if your cat goes outdoors. Cars, children, other animals and toxins, ALL are all dangerous and should be avoided by keeping your cat indoors. Sometimes this isn’t the solution for every kitty as you will need to stock up on the cat toys! And can be very hard to stop your kitty if he already has been accustomed to the outdoors!

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Hi, I'm Jess and this is Nala.

I've loved cats since I was a child and over the years I became obsessed with them. I love all animals and pets, but I have studied cats with special passion. I’ve spent most of my life trying to understand them and why they are the best companions, if they ‘allow’ you to be their friend.

I put this blog together with the aim of sharing things about cats that interest me and that can help you to understand your own…

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find something to interest you along the way.



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