Raw Diet for Cats
You need to feed your cat with foods that are minimally processed. Chicken, turkey and rabbits are considered to be the best raw foods for cats and provide adequate nutrition. Incorporating these foods into your cat’s meals will ensure a healthy life for your pet. Fish is generally not recommended as it contains enzymes that can negatively affect your cat’s health. Go for organic meat, as studies have shown that non-organic meat is high in antibiotics that can be detrimental to your cat’s health. You need to shop for different kinds of meat and not stick to just one type of food. Your cat’s raw food diet should include a variety of meats that include lamb, beef and duck. There are plenty of books available in the market that provide raw food recipes for cats.
Once you purchase the meat and bring it home, cut it into small pieces and store whatever is not required in the freezer. Before feeding the cat, just warm the needed portions of the meat. Along with raw meat, you can supplement your cat’s diet with fresh raw vegetables like carrots and broccoli. Initially, you can feed your cat with small chunks of boneless meat. As the jaws become stronger, you can introduce large meaty bones in your cat’s diet. Many veterinarians recommend to feed cats with raw meaty bones for optimal health. You need to buy cat food from a butcher who has a good reputation of keeping hygienic raw food.
Health Benefits
Due to the hectic lifestyle nowadays, many cat owners buy commercial pet food available in the market. However, this can only contribute to numerous cat health issues. Cats are born carnivorous, which means feeding them only vegetables would not be a wise decision. Their digestive system is developed to consume raw meat. So it is essential to include raw meat in their diet.
Improved Oral Health: Cats who are given whole raw food have clean white teeth and healthy pink gums, whereas cat fed on dry food rich in carbohydrates have developed tooth problems such as periodontal disease. It is observed that cats eating fresh raw meat have strong jaws, as consuming these foods requires a lot of jawing and gnawing which is beneficial for your cat’s oral health.
Better Digestion: Cats find it easier to digest raw meat rather than those loaded with potatoes and whole grains. Commercial cat food cannot be properly digested as they are filled with chemicals. As a result, your cat may vomit improperly digested food.
Healthy Skin: Daily intake of organic raw food can give your cat a shiny beautiful coat, free from any kind of fur problems. If raw meat is given regularly to your cat, then it will no longer suffer from skin allergies or other infections, and remain healthy for years to come.