Building a Bed for Your Cat
Being a cat lover, building cat furniture could be a fun activity. You may be well aware of the fact that cats love luxury and crave for comfort lounges to sleep like its nobody’s business! Here is a step-by-step instruction to aid you in creating a bed which she will never love to let go! (Caution – You might just end up making your cat a bit too lazy!)
Make Material Arrangements
Decide on what you need. For your convenience, here is all what you need to make the perfect kitty bed. Hunt for a cardboard box that will serve as the base of the bedding, make way for motivational tools such as scissors, needle and thread, bundle up some old comforters, safety pins, an old bath towel that you don’t intend to use any longer, a fistful of rice grains and a sturdy adhesive tape, stuffing material and preferably some spare material to make a pillow case.
Attention to Detail
Well, this is a must. Before you make arrangements for the cat bed, ensure that you are well versed with the way your cat takes on the slumber. The requirement will differ according to the sleeping stance of your cat. Your cat may love to cuddle up and fold herself, or she may love to stretch herself; you may decide the arrangement accordingly.
Tape the Cardboard Box
As you now have the box, you may tape the box thoroughly well. See that the base is sturdy, so that it doesn’t fall apart. Also the flaps of the box must be folded inside. This will equip the sides of the box to become stronger and sturdier. However, if you want that the sides be trimmed, use a scissor to chop off the flaps and tape the top edges along the box.
Place the Towel
You need to make a sleeping inn for your cat which needs to be soft and cozy so that she can move around without any difficulty. After you have placed the towel to make her bedding nice and soft, you could make a fabric comforter for her. You may cut out two fabric pieces of the same size and stitch them together, however, stitch only three sides of the fabric and leave the other side open. Sew the other side after you have poured in the rice grains into the fabric bag. After you are done, you may arch it and place it over the towel so that your kitty may derive bliss from the moment she ducks into the comforter!
Another method could be to consider a cardigan that you have outgrown and stitch it up completely leaving the neck passage open to fill it up with loose, spare material to make it soft. The sleeves of the cardigan can be stuffed with left over material as well; sealed and placed on the sides of the box.
Make a Pillow
Take two equal sized fabric pieces and stitch the sides leaving the fourth side open for stuffing. It is most important that you sew the fabric well and fill it up with ample loose material to make it soft. You are done preparing the cat bed. You may now place some soft toys around the bedding for your kitty to feel ‘heaven’; every time she steps in.
With the bedding ready for your kitty little, you can be confident enough that she will like your endeavor and will appreciate your efforts by never ‘sleeping over’ your bedding!